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Salesforce Administrator 201 tutorial
Salesforce Administrator 201 & App Builder (Developer) Certification Trainingwith free lightning component development tutorial addon for limited amount of time
What are the course objectives?
This Salesforce training course is designed to ensure that you learn and master the concepts of being a Salesforce Administrator and a Salesforce Platform App builder. Our Salesforce training will help you learn how to configure Salesforce, so you are able to collect, analyze and retrieve all of the vital information associated with your customer base. Moreover, you will use Salesforce fundamentals to understand Salesforce online application development and the deployment of next-generation cloud apps. We offer practical hands-on learning that will ensure your job success, as well as the theoretical knowledge needed to pass both Salesforce certification exams.

Salesforce Apex Programming BootCamp
You will learn the following in detail in the course and be able to take the Platform developer 1 certification(Note:Prior knowledge of object oriented programming language like JAVA and completed for salesforce admin course is preferred for students enrolling for this course)
Learn To build apex classes(controllers)
a Learn to write triggers in salesforce
Expose Apex classes as rest and soap api and invoke http callouts
Programming Salesforce Lightning Web components
Programming Salesforce Lightning Web componentsIn this tutorial you will learn to bascially build custom salesforce UI with Custom Lightning Web Components.
Build Lightning web components
Lightning tags
Variables,decorators,data and property binding
Structure of LWC bundle
Connect with Apex using Wire attribute
Connect with Apex imperatively
Dml with Lightning data services
DML with Lightning record form
Inter component communication using Events
Nested and Custom event handling
Learn component lifecyce hooks and how to use them
Programming Salesforce Lightning Components DEV 601
Programming Salesforce Lightning Components DEV 601Create custom, reusable Lightning Components and Applications.
Surface Lightning Components and Applications in Salesforce.
Build a responsive application that runs in Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience.
Define input forms with client-side data validation.
Build Lightning applications that enable a u
ser to search, read, and update data from a Salesforce org.
Make Lightning Components available to other developers through unmanaged packages.
Theme your application by customizing the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS).